by | Devotionals, Faith Lived Out
Have you ever taken a few minutes to just stop and think about where you are today compared to where you used to be? I bet you’d be pleasantly surprised.
I think about my life today and the life I was living 10 years ago, even 5 years ago. Oh how things change.
by | Faith Lived Out
Self-doubt seems to be an ongoing plague in the world. It’s the invisible disease that’s eating away at the hearts and minds of women and men everywhere, yet it so often goes untreated.
It breaks my heart, really. I know if it breaks mine, it has to break God’s.
I hear my friends and family putting themselves down with negative words on a daily basis. I used to be the queen of it. Though I’m not perfect and still catch myself using negative self-talk, I’m so much better than I used to be.
by | Faith Lived Out, Health & Wellness
[guestpost]This is a guest post by Dayna Bickham. She is a writer, speaker and part-time missionary. She just released her first book, Chosen for Purpose: Overcoming Giants and Living Your Dreams. You can find her on Facebook. [/guestpost]
“You are too fat to do anything for the Lord.”
That is what I used to think about myself. That is the lie that played in my head over and over. Who would listen to me?
Americans see a heavy set person and often think of them as lazy. So ministry in America would never be possible, right?
by | Faith Lived Out, Life Application
The tongue – it has power. So much power that Proverbs 18:21 says it “can bring life or death.”
In his new book, The Carpenter, Jon Gordon takes each reader on a journey with J. Emmanuel, a simple carpenter, full of wisdom, and Michael, an overworked husband and father, trying to balance life and failing miserably.
by | Faith Lived Out, Health & Wellness
It was a weekend full of barbecue, boating, and honoring those who died for our freedom. If I may be honest, it was less about Memorial Day and more about food. What about you?
The weekend started off well. I had full intentions of not letting gluttony be the center of attention. I would walk in self-control.
Saturday was pretty good. I didn’t even have dessert. When Sunday came, however, it was as though I needed to make up for lost time. I closed out Monday night with ice cream and a snow cone and an extra scoop of shame to top it off.
by | Faith Lived Out
It was a dream I didn’t ask for. Do you ever have those? Something God asks you to do, but it was never on your radar?
I told Him no about 75 different times, 75 different ways.
He kept telling me, The broken need a place to go.
Why me? Why would I have to be the one to give them a place? None of it made sense.