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Fighting for the Ones We Love: Amanda & Joey's Story

Fighting for the Ones We Love: Amanda & Joey's Story

When life gets hard we want to quit. Our feelings of defeat are normal. It’s okay to feel them, but it’s not always okay to follow through with those feelings.
Meet my friends Amanda and Joey, and their amazing sons. I grew up with them. We laughed together. We cried together. We ate lunch together almost everyday in high school. Joey frequently bought me hot pretzels from the cafeteria ala carte menu.
They’re happy in this picture. Truly happy and full of joy. But life wasn’t always like that.

Who is Your Symphony?

Who is Your Symphony?

When I was a little girl, while most of my friends were dreaming about becoming brides and mothers, I was dreaming about becoming famous. I was going to be an actress, and author, and a songwriter.
Fourteen years ago I left my hometown, vowing to never return, unless they were naming a sign after me. Seriously.

A Letter to My Hometown

A Letter to My Hometown

Dear Belle,
I’m a pretty direct person, so can we just start this out with complete honesty?
I’ve hated you for as long as I can remember. Until two months ago, I had every intention of continuing to hate you. Today, there are still moments where I can’t believe I could ever really love you.
But something is changing in me. God is changing my heart. My hard, bitter, scared, and judgmental heart.

You Are Who You Say You Are

It amazes me the words we speak over ourselves. We often talk to ourselves in ways we would never talk to others we love.
I used to remind myself how fat I was. I was too ugly. No man could ever find me attractive. I would never amount to anything. I was going to stay this way forever. I was stupid.
If I were to hear you say any of those words to my best friends, I’d slap you sideways, yet I had no problem saying it to myself. The sad part? Not only did I say those things – I believed them.
Then I learned Who I was in Christ. That changed everything. This guy Jesus, who died for me and you, has a lot to say about us. It turns out, the above mentioned statements aren’t found anywhere in Scripture.

Why Robin Williams and I Have More in Common Than You Think

Depression sucks. Suicide, even worse. Just typing the words stirs a sadness in my heart that makes me want to write about anything but this.
Throughout the last week, I’ve listened to many discussions and read several social media posts and blogs about the tragedy of Robin Williams’ death. But I haven’t said much. I simply haven’t had much to say.
The news took me back to the day the world lost another comedic genius, Chris Farley. I sat in my high school art class and grieved his loss with my classmate, Robbie.
Today, I mourn again. I don’t know why a man who could bring tears of laughter to your eyes in seconds, decided to take his life. What I do know, however, is I can relate to the desire to want to do the same. (more…)

Three Ways to Be More Open and Live Life to the Fullest

Three Ways to Be More Open and Live Life to the Fullest

In today’s culture we’re taught to have our own opinions, and voice them consistently. We have a “right” to tell others what we think, and often we end up being more close-minded because of it.
I admit I struggle not sharing my opinion with the world, but I’m much better than I used to be. Turns out the world still goes around when it doesn’t hear what I think about everything.
Unfortunately, we seem to be more of an entitled generation than ever before, and because of that, many of us don’t live with an open mind.

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