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A Letter to Sexual Abuse Survivors

A Letter to Sexual Abuse Survivors

Hi, I’m Sundi Jo and I’m a survivor of sexual abuse, too.
I start this letter with an apology. I’m sorry. Sorry sexual abuse is a part of your story. Devastated it was written into the book of your life. I’m sorry someone stole innocence from you without your control. What happened to you isn’t fair.
I want you to read these words carefully. Hear them. Believe them.
What happened to you is not your fault. 

Same Sex Marriage and the Old Dirty Cup

Same Sex Marriage and the Old Dirty Cup

Official as of today, the Supreme Court ruled same-sex couples have the right to marry nationwide.

As of today, my Facebook and Twitter feeds have blown up from both Christians and non-Christians sharing their thoughts and opinions on the matter.

I don’t really need to write about it, because a million other blogs are already discussing it, but I do have something to say, so I’ll make it short and sweet. 

5 Biblical Principles to Set You Free from Oppression

5 Biblical Principles to Set You Free from Oppression

Are you dealing with the same struggle over and over again, feeling stuck in your desperation?
Perhaps you just keep going back to that addiction. You stay sober for a week, then have a drink on a lonely Saturday night. You’ve been on track with your eating habits, then one bad day sends you into a spiral of emotional eating.
My friend, that’s called bondage. It’s very real. 

A letter to Bruce and Caitlyn Jenner

A letter to Bruce and Caitlyn Jenner

Dear Bruce (Caitlyn),
First of all, I want to thank you for your bravery for being so vulnerable with the photographers at Vanity Fair. I can’t speak for you, but that probably wasn’t the easiest thing to do. Thank you, also, for your willingness to talk to Diane Sawyer about your struggles so openly. Again, probably not that easy.
I don’t write this letter to condemn or judge you. As a matter of fact, I would like to apologize on behalf of any Christian who berates you with their words and judges you with their looks. Please remember, not all Christians are alike.
Can I share my heart with you for a moment?

Mind Praying for Me?

Mind Praying for Me?

I’ve had a lot on my heart and mind these last few days. More like the last couple weeks, actually. Would you mind praying for me?
None of it’s bad. It’s all good. Even when it’s good though, sometimes it’s still really hard. 
I think the reality is setting in that I’m living back in my hometown. It’s not a bad reality, it just is what it is. I’m here. For real. For the long haul.
Yesterday I had a mini meltdown. I missed my friend, Jammie. I missed our Tuesday nights, where we drank coffee or went to a movie, or laughed about absolutely nothing. I missed my other friends. I missed Branson. I missed comfort.

Why Some Secrets Should Be Taken to the Grave

Why Some Secrets Should Be Taken to the Grave

I come from a family of secrets, just as most others do. Perhaps a few of those secrets should be taken to the grave. “You don’t talk about being sexually abused. You don’t talk about your addictions. Some things are just better left unsaid.”

Have you ever heard these words? Maybe you’ve said them yourself.

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