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5 Question to Ask Yourself Before Posting on Facebook

5 Question to Ask Yourself Before Posting on Facebook

How many times has your mouth gotten you into trouble? Or perhaps you’ve been deeply hurt by the words of others. I’ve been on both sides, unfortunately.

I remember when Facebook used to be fun. I could scroll through and see pictures of families I wanted to keep in touch with, connect with new online friends who shared the same interests, and enjoy kitten memes.

Now it seems my feed is full of online wars between one another versus actually dealing with the problem. We use it as a passive aggressive way of getting our point across to a specific person without saying name. We gossip. We slander. And we do it all behind a protective screen, convincing ourselves if we do it this way, it won’t really hurt anyone.

An Open Letter to Abusers

An Open Letter to Abusers

There’s this thing about me – sometimes it’s good and other times it can get me into trouble. I hate injustice. I hate watching innocent people be wronged, hurt, betrayed, beaten down. It turns out God hates those things, too. 

Sometimes it’s hard for me not to take justice into my own hands when I see those I love being hurt. There are times I fight back through the power of prayer, and other times, unfortunately, I try to take justice into my own hands. The outcome is usually better if I allow God to fight the battle.

Mastering the Art of Rest

For the last six years I’ve chosen one word to be my anthem for the year and it’s amazing what’s happened as I have challenged myself to focus on one simple, yet powerful word.

I’ve been proactive walking in truth, living more radical thanks to David Platt, being more intentional in my relationships, learning to me more productive thanks to the mentorship of Michael Hyatt, and saying no to good things so I can say yes to even better things.

Last year I chose the most powerful word I’ve ever lived out: trust. Holy Smokes did God ever take me on a challenging ride of trust in 2016. I didn’t get everything right, but if God were giving a grade I’d say I got a B+. On December 28, 2016, as I signed the lease on the Farm House for Esther’s House, that word rolled off my lips with more fervor than I can describe. In 2015 I moved back to my hometown in the snow with the last $1000 to my name to open Esther’s House, and I thought that was trust… until my pen hit the paper last week.

The Evidence of Stepping Out in Faith

The Evidence of Stepping Out in Faith

When we take a step of faith, God will ALWAYS show up. Always… Stepping out requires courage. It calls for doing things afraid. It requires obedience. But those three things always turn into something we could never imagine prior to taking that first faith step.

“I’m starting to see myself as Christ sees me,” she said. I couldn’t help but smile and fight back the tears as I heard her confidently speak those words. June is falling in love with who she is in Christ and if you and I are smiling about it, imagine the smile on God’s face.

We opened the doors to Freedom Outreach, the day program offered by Esther’s House, in November, and WOW, has God been moving full speed ahead in getting his message of redemption into the hearts of hurting women. You, my friend, play a vital role in that miracle. Your prayers and support have helped us move mountains in discipling women, including June.

As we say goodbye to 2016 and prepare for 2017, I can’t wait to see what God has in store. He never ceases to amaze me. This last year has been full of trials, victories, and tests, but in the midst of it all, God has been ever present.

The Power of Community

The Power of Community

Hospitality. Does it still exist today in this “all about me” world? We live in a culture where our goals have turned into getting what we want when we want it, finding that 15 minutes of fame and serving ourselves. I’m guilty of all of the above.

The Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines hospitality as “the act or practice of receiving and entertaining strangers or guests without reward, or with kind and generous liberality.”

In a recent conversation with some friends, we were discussing the power of community and whether or not there was still a need for hospitality.

Why God Loves Your Beautiful Mess

Why God Loves Your Beautiful Mess

This picture has 128 years of combined history behind it. Three women who’ve endured heartaches, tragedies, blessings, love, forgiveness, grace, mercy, and redemption are the creators of this beautifully shattered heart.

If you’ve never taken the time to grab a plate or two or five or ten and shatter them on the ground, oh, my friend, you’ve got to make that happen! There’s something so invigorating about letting go without a care in the world and watching that plate shatter into a million tiny pieces before your eyes. Call me and I’ll come do it with you.

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