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#coffeewithsj episode 9: how to stop dreaming and start becoming

What dream have you let go of?

Jeff Goins says in his new book, Real Artists Don’t Starve, “Eventually, you have to decide who you are. You have to choose your role and own that identity. We don’t fake it till we make it. We believe it till we become it.”

There’s no time like the present to decide who you are, my friend. God has ignited a passion in your heart. Embrace the gift He’s given you. He will honor your decision.

Join me for #coffeewithsj episode 9: how to stop dreaming and start becoming


Below are the links I shared in this episode:

Set Me Free
Real Artists Don’t Starve
Song Playlist
Becoming God’s Best


The Two Words You Should Start Saying Today

The Two Words You Should Start Saying Today

The more I interact with people in this messy, beautiful, crazy journey called life, the more I experience heartbreak. The more I feel pain and sorrow for those who are hurting.

I sit with women at Esther’s House as they process trauma from their childhood, the broken relationships they’ve endured, the countless nights they spent trying to get high to avoid the pain, never wanting to be known as an addict. My heart hurts.

I sit on the porch with one of my dearest friends, who happens to be my next door neighbor, almost every morning as we have coffee together and solve the world’s problems. Sometimes we talk about how amazing God is. Sometimes we watch the rabbits chasing each other in the yard and laugh. Sometimes we dream about the future. Sometimes we cry as we talk about the hurts from our past and the struggles in our present. Oh.. if I had a penny for every tear that’s been shed on her back porch, I’d be a rich woman.

I get the phone call from a friend who says her loved one has died and my heart hurts again. I hear of another friend who has relapsed. And another who’s left her boyfriend and sits in her heartbreak wondering if she’ll spend the rest of her life alone.

My heart hurts and I say the only thing I think I can say in the moment….

#coffeewithsj episode 6 – the wounds of a friend

Do you have a friend who is willing to call you up when you’re not living the life God has designed for you?

Are you that friend to someone else?

Proverbs 27:6 says, “Wounds from sincere friends are better than many kisses from an enemy.”

Confrontation isn’t comfortable, but we’re called to be brave. To confront. To love.

#coffeewithsj Episode 4: Calling People Up Instead of Out

You can’t have healthy friendships without accountability. But what if holding others accountable looks different than what we think it does?
Join us for #coffeewithsj Episode 4: Calling People Up Instead of Out
And we have some other exciting announcements, including Dutch Apple Praline pie.
To continue helping us offer hope to hurting women, you can donate at ehor.org/donate.

#coffeewithsj Episode 3: That Time I Got Drunk

 When I was 14 years old I got behind the wheel of a car drunk and high. It’s by the grace of God I lived to tell about it. I’d love to say I learned my lesson, but I didn’t.
Recently there was a horrible car accident in my hometown and alcohol was involved. Since then there have been so many opinions and comments on Facebook that have both hurt my heart and made my blood boil. Judgment, opinions, gossip, and more judgment.
Henry Cloud says, “Truth without grace is judgment.” What kind of grace are we sharing in speaking truth?
Are we casting stones we have no right to cast? I’m talking about that today…


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