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Did Jesus Make Poop Jokes?

Did Jesus Make Poop Jokes?

Strange question to ask, I know. But… if you know me at all, well… it’s not really that strange.

I was walking through my Abide devotional and the voice behind the app asked me to visualize Jesus sitting next to me. So, I moved my feet off the footstool and asked Jesus to sit in front of me so we could have coffee together. I was picturing his laughter. His joy. And that’s when the thought popped into my head….

I bet Jesus made poop jokes.


Making Fear a Stepping Stone Instead of a Stumbling Block

Making Fear a Stepping Stone Instead of a Stumbling Block

What are you afraid of? Seriously… let’s skip past all the fluff of writing a catchy introduction paragraph to this post and just get down to the nitty gritty? What are you afraid of?

For me.. sometimes I can become so afraid of failure I can’t see straight. Other times I can become afraid of success, so I sabotage myself before I can get there. Jesus has been healing me from a deep fear of rejection for the last couple of years. I still find parts of it sneaking up now and again. And spiders.. Yes.. spiders. Stupid, stupid spiders.

What are you afraid of? 

Really… what are you afraid of?


Living with Child-Like Faith

Living with Child-Like Faith

My little buddy Jackson and I have a special bond. He just turned 3 and we both often act the same age. He’s a blessing to the world and I am so honored to be in his life.

The other day we decided to go for a walk while his parents finished eating. He’s 3, so sitting for long periods of time isn’t something he’s great at. Me neither.

We were jumping off some “car stoppers” as I like to call them, because my little buddy is one brave guy. He would climb on the top, stretch his legs out and prepare to jump. When he would step up he didn’t need to hold my hand. He was strong enough to do it himself. I would stand on the stopper next to him and wait for his next move.

Something would happen, though, each time he was ready to jump. He would reach for my hand before he jumped. He wasn’t quite ready to make that leap by himself. He needed my help to stabilize him and make sure he kept his balance. As we did this over and over again, it reminded me of what relationship with God is like.


The Picture That Paints a Thousand Words

The Picture That Paints a Thousand Words

Meet my friend Jennifer. Well, kind of. She’s the one in the blue shirt and white shorts, leading Skeeter the dog, with her arm around me.

I wish you could’ve been there that day. They say ” a picture paints a thousand words,” and that’s definitely true with this one. I’ll do my best to bring the story to you.

It was June of 2010. I’d just finished running my first 5k race at the 2nd Annual Freedom Run. I was two months from completing a year-long residential discipleship program, where God had totally flipped my life upside down. And I was 145 lbs. lighter, both physically and spiritually. I was no longer wearing the weight of the world on my shoulders. For the first time in my life, I truly understood freedom in Christ.


Fighting for our Gifts

Fighting for our Gifts

I have a co-worker who loves to read policies and procedures for fun. For fun! Who does that? She will print them off and take them home for some “relaxing” reading. The very thought of doing something like that makes me nauseous. That’s just not my idea of fun.

But I’m grateful she enjoys it or else I’d have to read those policies. And if you don’t put it in picture form or make a music video out of it, I won’t make it past the first page. Instead, I am able to rely on my handy-dandy policy-reading peer to tell me what rules not to break. Now I know. Case closed.

My friend Marge is a paramedic. She can talk about blood and cuts and broken bones while she passes the mashed potatoes at the dinner table. I hear about someone breaking a tooth and I pass out. I’m not a big fan of seeing blood either. She gets a strange thrill when she’s riding in the back of an ambulance at the speed of light. Me? Not so much.

But I’m grateful she has a passion to save lives and talk about things that make my stomach turn, because when I call her thinking I’m dying of a tumor, she’s quick to tell me to stay off Google and to drink water. I don’t have a tumor. I’m just dehydrated.


Finding Freedom in the Waiting

Finding Freedom in the Waiting

My friend got a new tree the other day – a Japanese Maple Tree to be exact. She showed me what a fully bloomed one looked like as we were driving one day and I now consider myself a trained biologist. Oh wait… that’s botanist? Anyway, the tree was beautiful and she now has a baby tree growing in her back yard.

I stopped by the other day and she was showing me that she had tied it to a post so it would grow straight up instead of bending over. She pointed out certain things she wanted to prune and I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about so she tried to explain again. As she talked, her eyes lit up with excitement and fervor. My heart was excited to see her so passionate about something. Just days before we were crying together over tragedy.


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