by | Book Reviews
Since reading David Platt’s book, Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream
, the reality of my role as a disciple of Jesus Christ to share the gospel with others hasn’t left my mind.
When Our Last Great Hope: Awakening the Great Commission by Ronnie Floyd got into my hands, that reality got even clearer. Thank you Thomas Nelson for investing in this book.
Floyd challenges us to start the ripple effect now of spreading The Gospel with others. Ready for a question to get you moving?
by | Book Reviews
Last February I shared my review of the insomnia causing, amazing selling Julie Cave mystery, Deadly Disclosures. It was an amazing book then and it still is now.
As I said last year, “You know it’s a good book when it’s 2 am and you are wide awake, living in the moment with FBI agent Dinah Harris.”
New Leaf Publishing Group, publsisher for the book, is offereing a great promotion from now until January 31, and it’s an opportunity you don’t want to miss!
by | Book Reviews
Last February I shared my review of the insomnia causing, amazing selling Julie Cave mystery, Deadly Disclosures. It was an amazing book then and it still is now.
As I said last year, “You know it’s a good book when it’s 2 am and you are wide awake, living in the moment with FBI agent Dinah Harris.”
New Leaf Publishing Group, publsisher for the book, is offereing a great promotion from now until January 31, and it’s an opportunity you don’t want to miss!
by | Book Reviews
I love to learn about history. You’ll learn that from my last book review of Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy
I thought I’d give it another shot at reading about history, and when December 1941: 31 Days that Changed America and Saved the World
, presented itself I took the opportunity to review it.
I love the work and time that Craig Shirley put into the book. I can’t imagine how many countless hours he spent thumbing through newspaper after newspaper, reading books and talking with others to put this piece together.
December 1941 takes you through the days leading up to Pearl Harbor, with each chapter focusing on one day. I have to say that after chapter one I was ready to close the book. Not that details aren’t important, but I couldn’t get drawn in.
I moved on to chapter two, hoping for better results, but still the same. Too many details and not enough substance. I was a little surprised by the fact that it was published by Thomas Nelson Publishers, the largest Christian publishing company. I’m still not quite sure how it fit into the category of Christianity. In all fairness though, I didn’t complete the book, so perhaps it did later on.
There aren’t too many books I stop reading, but this one I had to. I’m sorry to say, but I was disappointed. That doesn’t go to say that someone else won’t think it’s the best thing since sliced bread.
I’d love your thoughts. What book have you started to read but just couldn’t make it to the end? Comment below…
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by | Book Reviews
Have you started to read a book only to realize that it was way over your head? Me too.
That’s how things started out for Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy
by Eric Metaxas. Usually when I have to get the dictionary out more than once to look up the meaning of a word I lose interest and toss it aside.
Not so with this book. Words honestly can’t express how Metaxas brought each page to life for me. Before reading, I had briefly heard of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. I had no idea the depth at which I would get to know a man whom I cannot wait to meet in Heaven.
Bonhoeffer was a German theologian raised by an agnostic father and a Jesus loving mother. I’ve known people who can quote Scripture without a thought, but their actions don’t back up their words. Not so with Bonhoeffer. He put the Gospel to action, practicing everything he preached.
by | Book Reviews, Faith Lived Out
I just finished reading an amazing book that wasn’t even on my list of things to read. I’m so glad I did.
Like a Mighty Wind
was written in 1974, but don’t let the date fool you. The pages came to life for me in ways I wasn’t expecting.
“God can use men in a marvelous way when they obey Him.
Evangelist Mel Tari teaches in Chapter 15 that God speaks in many ways. I want to share with you the list of seven ways God speaks to us: