Have you started to read a book only to realize that it was way over your head? Me too.
That’s how things started out for Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas. Usually when I have to get the dictionary out more than once to look up the meaning of a word I lose interest and toss it aside.
Not so with this book. Words honestly can’t express how Metaxas brought each page to life for me. Before reading, I had briefly heard of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. I had no idea the depth at which I would get to know a man whom I cannot wait to meet in Heaven.
Bonhoeffer was a German theologian raised by an agnostic father and a Jesus loving mother. I’ve known people who can quote Scripture without a thought, but their actions don’t back up their words. Not so with Bonhoeffer. He put the Gospel to action, practicing everything he preached.
One cannot simply read the Bible, like other books. One must be prepared really to enquire of it. Only thus will it reveal itself. Only if we expect from it the ultimate answer, shall we receive it. – Dietrich Bonhoeffer
There were times I had to remind myself that I wasn’t simply reading a fictional action packed story. I was following the life of a man who devoted his life to living out Jesus’ principles, which he would later die for.
Reading through the disgusting evilness behind Adolf Hitler and the death of millions of Jews would often have me waking up the next morning after a late night of reading thankful for the opportunity to read my Bible with freedom, without fear of being persecuted for my faith, the color of my skin, my accent, or my ancestry.
Would you be willing to go to great lengths to assisnate a man full of evil with 100% confidence that you were following God’s will? Could you say goodbye to your family unsure if you would see them again because the words you preach are illegal and you could be caught at any moment?
I’m not sure if I could.
Bonhoeffer did. And he did so without looking back. This book contains 544 pages of truth that I hope will leave you taking a deeper look into your faith. The brief, yet profound love story shared between Dietrich and his fiancee gave me a clearer picture that sometimes we wake up and it’s too late to look back – life has passed so quickly.
You don’t have to love history to enjoy this book. As a matter of fact, those of you who don’t enjoy it should most definitely read this book. It will open your eyes to many things that happened then that are still happening today. Perhaps it will make you more grateful for the place you live today.
I encourage you to pick up this New York Times Best-Selling book. It’ll be one of the best investments of 2012.
Question: Have you read this amazing book yet? What stuck out to you the most? Comment below…
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