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A Pentecost Sunday Dare
There are so many things I want to say, and probably will say.. eventually... as I continue to process through the emotions of watching the events of this last week unfold. But today is not the day... Because today I want to talk about something else... Picture it,...
My Response to Jon Steingard Denouncing God
Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from the true faith; they will follow deceptive spirits and teachings that come from demons. I wish I could tell you that's a quote from Abraham Lincoln and you could turn it into a meme...
Why You Can Love Jesus and Like Beer, Too
I ran into an old friend the other day I hadn’t visited with for a while. He asked me a question I was so grateful he asked, because most people aren’t willing to ask - they just assume. We were discussing having a BBQ and gathering some friends from school. No...
A Letter to the Class of 2020
I’m sorry. Something has been stripped away from you that has never before happened in history – that I’m aware of anyway. Frankly, it sucks.
A Prayer Against the coronavirus from Psalm 27
A prayer from Psalm 27 personalized to combat the coronavirus.
Praying Against the coronavirus from Psalm 91
We’re in the midst of a coronavirus pandemic, but God is still sovereign. Here are some prayers to comfort us through this time.
Should Christians Burn Sage?
Is burning sage to keep evil spirits away biblical or are Christians opening the door for danger?
What Are You Allowing Others to Speak Into Your Life?
You become like the five people you spend the most time with. Knowing that, who are you allowing to speak into your life?
Finding Grace in the Battles
God wastes nothing. Even in the midst of the hardest battles, His grace is present. Are we willing to let Him walk through the hard times with us?
Why God Wastes Nothing
You never know.. You just never know what God has planned. You never know what He will do with your past. And you never know what being brave enough to take that next step will do.
Say Goodbye to Dieting & Start Living!
The Diet Haters Podcast with Sundi Jo helps women learn how to stop dieting, lose weight, find lasting results, and learn their true identities in Christ!
Say Goodbye to Dieting & Start Living!
The Diet Haters Podcast with Sundi Jo helps women learn how to stop dieting, lose weight, find lasting results, and learn their true identities in Christ!