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The Forgiveness Box (Letting Go of the Lies)

The Forgiveness Box (Letting Go of the Lies)

On March 17, 2018, I wrote this vulnerable piece as part of my healing journey and shared it with some close friends. I wasn't sure if I'd share it with the public, but I've decided to do so with the hopes it will inspire you to choose forgiveness, too, even when you...

I Need You: Join the Dear Dad Launch Team

I Need You: Join the Dear Dad Launch Team

In 2012, I put some of the most vulnerable words ever written in a book for the world to read, when I released my memoir, Dear Dad, Did You Know I Was a Princess?  It's so humbling to see how God used my mess and my redemption to inspire others to allow Him to heal...

What Kelly Clarkson Taught Me About Insecurity

What Kelly Clarkson Taught Me About Insecurity

Don't punch me in the face, but I'm about to admit something to you. Until this season, I've NEVER watched The Voice. I think I caught part of an episode at a friend's house once, but beyond that, nope. Never. Are you done judging me yet? Good.. now let's get to the...

Why I Quit Blogging

Why I Quit Blogging

I don't know if you've noticed, but I stopped blogging for a while. A long while, actually. That doesn't mean I've stopped writing, but I've been in a season of life where my writing became personal - just a place for me and God, and sometimes a few close friends. A...

"Don’t Let Go" ©2018

"Don’t Let Go" ©2018

Paul said, "I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate." Guilty! Why do refuse the hand of Christ when we're in the midst of darkness? Our hearts cry out for Jesus but our minds tell us no. We know...

A Deeper Look at Loneliness

A Deeper Look at Loneliness

Loneliness. There are so many different layers. You can be in a crowd full of people and walk away empty, like you're completely alone. There's the loneliness of feeling like you just don't belong, no matter where you are or who you're around. There's the loneliness...

Say Goodbye to Dieting & Start Living! 

The Diet Haters Podcast with Sundi Jo helps women learn how to stop dieting, lose weight, find lasting results, and learn their true identities in Christ!

Say Goodbye to Dieting & Start Living! 

The Diet Haters Podcast with Sundi Jo helps women learn how to stop dieting, lose weight, find lasting results, and learn their true identities in Christ!

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