Welcome to the Blog
Ministry in the Unexpected Places
Almost fired multiple times, but God had other plans. Sundi Jo’s 7-year journey of faith, second chances, and ministry in unexpected places.
What Addiction Didn’t Steal from My Dad’s Death
A raw, heartfelt journey from a father’s addiction and death to hope, healing, and God’s unexpected miracles.
The Song That Moved Memphis: A Sneak Peek of My Next Release
Sundi Jo shares a touching live performance of “Before Whiskey” from the Memphis Rock N’ Soul Museum.
Finding My Place on this Musical Journey
Join Sundi Jo on her musical journey, blending faith and music to inspire and connect through heartfelt stories and laughter.
A Simple Thank You: How Terri Clark Inspired Me to Keep Building Dreams
I finally met Terri Clark and all I could say was, “Thank you.” Maybe it was just enough.
A New Monthly Songwriters’ Round Comes to the Branson/Hollister Area: Ozark Songsmiths with Sundi Jo
Join Ozark Songsmiths with Sundi Jo, a monthly songwriters round at Taps on Downing Street, starting July 18. Connect, share, and enjoy live music!
Peeling Back the Layers: Sundi Jo Unveils Powerful Single “Ugly Houses”
Discover Sundi Jo’s powerful new single ‘Ugly Houses,’ exploring inner beauty and self-acceptance. Listen now on all major streaming platforms!
That Time I Googled, “How to Take a Sabbath”
A Christian’s honest and relatable journey to finding rest and celebration in the Sabbath. Discover how to incorporate this biblical practice into your busy life.
The Stage of Redemption: My Unexpected Journey from Shame to Worship
Help me launch the Ozark Songsmiths Songwriters’ Round! Your donation supports live music, local talent, and a vibrant creative community.
Building a Stage for Branson’s Songwriters…With Your Help
Help me launch the Ozark Songsmiths Songwriters’ Round! Your donation supports live music, local talent, and a vibrant creative community.
Say Goodbye to Dieting & Start Living!
The Diet Haters Podcast with Sundi Jo helps women learn how to stop dieting, lose weight, find lasting results, and learn their true identities in Christ!
Say Goodbye to Dieting & Start Living!
The Diet Haters Podcast with Sundi Jo helps women learn how to stop dieting, lose weight, find lasting results, and learn their true identities in Christ!