Are we really called to be aggressive in our lives? Absolutely!

Photo Credit: Stuck in Customs via Compfight cc
I don’t mean the aggressive, “Get out of my way or else” type. I mean actively and passionately pursuing life. Confronting life head on.
Let’s face it – life is not easy and confrontation is necessary.
So, what does this aggression look like?
Joyce Meyer says in her book, Making Good Habits, Breaking Bad Habits, it starts with your inner attitude.
If we have a quiet, confident inner attitude, we will never have any problem doing what we need to do. Confidence is not a feeling that we must work up and then go out into the world and move fast, talk loud, and often be obnoxious. It is a quiet and beautiful thing that begins in the heart and stands firm in its conviction that we are not alone and we are able. The attitude of the confident person is filled with cans, not cant’s. It is firm, steadfast, and strong in the Lord.
Need I say more?
Ok – maybe a little more.
Just a friendly reminder that we cannot have this confidence without being in God’s Word and continuously praying. But let’s remember that we are God’s children and we can approach Him with bold confidence. Confidence in what we are asking, and that He will provide.
Let’s refuse to live without confidence one more day. Let’s aggressively live in our God-given confidence and aggressively approach life together.
What’s one step you can take today to live more confidently? Leave a comment below…