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There are so many things I want to say, and probably will say.. eventually… as I continue to process through the emotions of watching the events of this last week unfold.

But today is not the day… Because today I want to talk about something else…

Picture it, Jerusalem, a couple thousand years ago. Jesus had just been brutally murdered. Some say it was because he claimed to be God. Some say it was simply because he was Jewish. Whatever the reason, he was tortured more than the law even allowed for torture, and it finally killed him.

Ah… but then he did his thing. The thing he told the Pharisees he would do. The thing he promised his disciples he would do. He walked out of the tomb and reminded the world who was really in control, despite the chaos. He even hung out with his disciples for a while afterwards before he went back to heaven to prepare a place for his followers.

Side note: At this point I would like to interject that, Jesus, I think the place is prepared. Just come get us, eh?

Anyway, Jewish people loved their festivals. Around this particular time a couple thousand years ago, they were celebrating the Festival of First Harvest, also known as Pentecost. They spent time together celebrating their harvested crops. Jews came from all over the place to celebrate this festival.

And as the people gathered to celebrate their harvests, they got more than they bargained for. Holy Spirit showed up to change lives and make history.In an instant, a windstorm of Holy Spirit blew through their meeting place. The booming sound rattled those living in Jerusalem and when they showed up to see what in the world was happening, they could all of a sudden understand one another’s languages.

The Bible says, “they stood there amazed and perplexed.”After everyone cooled their jets for a minute and believed people weren’t actually drunk at 9 a.m., they listened carefully to the words of Peter:

“What you see was predicted long ago by the prophet Joel: In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. In those days I will pour out my Spirit even on my servants – men and women alike – and they will prophesy. And I will cause wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below – blood and fire and clouds of smoke. The sun will become dark, and. the moon will turn blood red before that great and glorious day of the Lord arrives. But everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.'”

Holy Spirit came in and changed the hearts of thousands of people in one morning – about 3,000 actually. They had just seen a miracle. Jesus had been promising Holy Spirit would come, and just like he always had and still does, he followed through.

Holy Spirit changed hearts and thousands of people left that festival ready to do something different. They saw more miracles and signs and wonders. They shared everything they had. They even sold what they owned to provide for others in need. They were so in awe of what God had done, they went to the temple EVERY DAY to worship and met in each others’ homes for the Lord’s Supper.

“And each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved.” – Acts 2:47

Today our world is so broken. Hate surrounds us. People are dead. Cities are destroyed. Livelihoods ruined. And someone busted the window of the Ryman Auditorium out, for the love of Pete!

But Holy Spirit is still here and still waiting for us, despite the brokenness and the hate and the ruined lives. He is a gentlemen and will not force himself into our lives.

Ah… but he waits. He waits for us to invite him. He is waiting to bring a rattle that brings people from all over the world together. He is waiting to bring a mighty wind that changes the atmosphere like never before. He is waiting to bring tongues of fire so that no man cannot understand one another. He is waiting to bring revival – a great awakening back to our hearts.

He is waiting.

But are we willing?

Today is Pentecost Sunday. Today we can see that same great awakening the people saw 2,000+ years ago. Today our nation can be changed.

I dare you. I dare you to ask for revival today in churches all across this nation – this world. I dare you to ask him to do things beyond what you could even imagine. I dare you to believe he can do these things. I dare you to believe for something different – something bigger.

I dare you to ask Holy Spirit to come.

He is waiting.

But are we willing?

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