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This past December I knew it was time to make some changes. I could feel myself slipping back into some old ways that I wasn’t happy with. Specifically my eating habits and the lack of exercise.
Refusing to allow myself to get on the scale, I couldn’t deny that something was changing. My clothes were getting a little tight.
The fear of returning to the 330 lb. miserable person I used to be was creeping in and I wasn’t happy about it. Not to mention the fact that I was writing an eBook on weight loss. I felt like a hypocrite. During that time I could feel God calling me to fast. He was doing the same with two of my closest friends.

So in January we decided to start the Daniel Fast. 21 days with only fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains.  Prior to starting I sought out some recipe books for this particular fast. That’s when I found The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast, written by Kristen Feola. Not only was it loaded with amazing recipes, Feola gave some great insight into the spiritual aspects of doing the Daniel Fast.

She shares over 100 recipes, as well as a 21-day devotional guide to lead you through a daily journey with God.

I immediately knew starting the fast that God would be working with me regarding self-control. My mind started thinking, Wow! I can eat as much as I want because it’s all healthy. God said otherwise. I was still worshiping food. I was still focused on me. But He was ready to change that.

As time went on and I drew closer to God versus the pleasures of food, I recognized just how much more I was in tune to Him speaking to my heart. Things were clearer. Tasks I were to take on made more sense. As time went on I found myself wanting to be more obedient – not because I had too, because I wanted to.

Here are just a few things that happened during my 21 day fast:

  • I went back to the gym
  • I started drinking a gallon of water again
  • My clothes started fitting
  • I wasn’t as fatigued
  • I got a book deal
  • I was more in tune to the prayer needs of others
  • I desired God more than I did food

I didn’t do the Daniel Fast because I wanted to lose weight. That was just an added bonus. I did it because I knew God was trying to get my attention and there was too much noise in my world. I needed to be still in Him, sacrifice something that was starting to become an idol, and put my focus back where it needed to be.

I’m so grateful I did. I’m grateful for the extra accountability and support I had from my friends and sisters in Christ. Jesus says when two or more are gathered, He’s there. We as a group got various revelations. Some were for one another. It was pretty amazing!

If there’s something you’re struggling with, I encourage you to consider fasting. If 21 days isn’t what God is calling you to do, go seven. Do one day. Ask God to show you. He will.

Back to Kristen Feola’s book for a second. There is no reason for you to think the Daniel Fast includes starving yourself and eating the same type of vegetables everyday. She provides a wide variety of recipes, categorized into appetizers, meals, soups, etc. Who knew you could do so many things with a sweet potato? And I didn’t find a recipe I didn’t like.

As a matter of fact, I’m sticking as close to the plan as possible, because of the health benefits. Don’t get me wrong. When a steak comes my way I’ll eat it, but I want to stay on the path with this type of food. Not to mention it’s pretty delicious!

Question: If you’ve done the Daniel Fast, what did you get from it? If you haven’t, are you considering doing so? Comment below…

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Sundi Jo
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