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photo credit: mike baird (creative commons)

From Sundi Jo: This is a guest post by Spencer McDonald. Spencer lives in Snohomish, Washington. He is a writer, speaker, facilitator, and coach. Spencer helps others visioneer a life that matters. You can also find him on Twitter.

On my way home today I passed seven dudes in orange vests picking up litter along side the highway. In one hand, a garbage sack and the other, a poker to collect all that litter.

As I drove on I wondered about that litter. I wondered who tossed it and why? Did they care at all about our environment?
Then it hit me… forget about the litter on that highway. That was easy to remedy. What about the litter inside our mind left there by careless others over our lifetime? You know who they were. They were our parents, our teachers, our friends, our co-workers, and maybe even church friends. And these are the pieces of litter they tossed into our mind.
The first piece was “No.” It was meant be something that keeps us in check and wound up limiting our thinking.
Next, many pieces of “Stop it” were discarded. This litter was meant to control our mind.
In school our teachers littered. They tossed out “Don’t.” As in don’t do that, instead do this. They meant well and wound up programming us to avoid things, which turned into raging fear.
When we came home from school and had a dream of using our talent to make our way in the world more litter was left. That piece of litter was “You can’t.” It was a protection device that zapped our happiness over a lifetime.
As matching piece of litter, “Get a job” made way into our mind and tarnished more beauty. “Get a job” stole our hopes and dreams. “Get a job” robbed our talents. “Get a job” was the stinkiest of the litter left behind.
I challenge you to take a walk through your mind. See all that litter (garbage). Choose to eliminate the litter that is holding you back from greatness. Do it because you are powerful beyond belief if only you will believe it.
Begin by identifying the litter. Name it. Call it out.
Next, find resources to help you get it cleaned up. This might be good friends, uplifting books or blogs, motivational speakers, and personal coaches.
Finally, use anchors to keep the litter out of your mind. These anchors are things like pictures of what you want, positive affirmations you read daily, prayer or mediation, and accountability partners.
Do these things and you will regain a spotless mind and life that is on fire with happiness and success.
Question: What other little have you had to work to get rid of? Comment below… 

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