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photo credit: JonJon2k8(creative commons)

It amazes me how sometimes you don’t realize just how much you needed something until you get it.
Last week I had the privilege of leading a chapel service with the women at Table Rock Freedom Center. Chapel simply means you get the opportunity to hang out with these amazing women for a couple of hours and share your testimony, hear their stories, and get to know them more. It’s a blessing for anyone involved.
Here’s the cool part:
I walked away from that experience with a peace I didn’t even know I needed.
I had the privilege of sharing my testimony with the girls. When I began to share the story of my father’s death, the tears started to flow. Even though it’s been over two years, perhaps they always will. I told them the story of bringing my dad to know Christ on his death-bed. What a blessed opportunity that was. Though he was barely able to talk, I read the sinner’s prayer and he repeated amen at the end.
I have never gotten the answer as to how exactly my dad died. Of course that leaves room for the imagination to run wild. It has. I’m a person who likes to have answers, and not having the reasoning to something this big has bothered me.
I then shared about the event leading up to my dad’s death. The evening before we, had a great phone conversation. I was planning a weekend trip to come and see him. He was struggling with some things, so I gave him some Bible verses to read. I remember saying, “Whenever you get frustrated just open it and read those verses.”
He replied in his best redneck voice, “I’ll be reading all the time.”
We ended the conversation with “I love you” and hung up.
The next morning….
He was dead.
After I shared my testimony and the night came to a close, one of the most amazing things happened. One of the women, Eliza, spoke life changing words into my life.
“What if,” she asked, “that night your dad opened the Scriptures that you gave him, read those words, and they really sunk in? Maybe he really accepted Christ that night in the deepest places, and God finally said, ‘It’s time to come home.'”
It was as if a brick had been taken off my shoulders. A brick I didn’t even know was there. I have no doubt that God was speaking to me through this beautiful woman. He was giving me an answer that I had been so desperately seeking. It was time for my dad to go home. It was time.
I woke up the next morning with peace. My daddy was right where he needed to be and I didn’t need to question anymore. My Father in Heaven had given me comfort that I so desperately needed, but hadn’t realized just how much.
Two days later I opened my cell phone and deleted my daddy’s phone number. It was time to let that go. It was time. There were no tears. There were no regrets. There was simply peace.
What unanswered things are you holding onto that you need to let go? Comment below…

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