According to, the definition of completion is:
the action or process of finishing something.
I don’t know about you, but I have gone through life with a lot of unfinished things. I didn’t finish writing that book report in elementary school, so I just made up a story. I didn’t complete the required criteria to attend the FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) field trip in high school, so I didn’t get to attend. I quit going to college after one year. I quit writing because I got depressed. I stopped hoping because I let my faith run dry. The list goes on and on.
Have you been down this road too? You start something only to walk away and leave it unfinished.
Yesterday I celebrated completion. It was the one year anniversary of my graduation from the Table Rock Freedom Center. One year ago I was able to add that word to my vocabulary. I had finally completed something. What a feeling!
For those of you who don’t know about the Table Rock Freedom Center, you can read my latest post about this life changing organization here. As I have said many times, it was the hardest thing I have ever done. But I did it!
It wasn’t just myself that added completion to my list that day. My friend Amy joined me too. We went through the program together. We fought. We screamed at each other. We cussed at each other. We cried together. We prayed together. We screamed together. We laughed together. There were days I couldn’t stand to look at her. And there were days she felt the same about me.
But it never failed, that after a day or so we couldn’t keep going the way we were. We would sit down to talk. Our talk would turn into a louder argument. We would each have our opinions. Then our hearts would soften. By the end of it we were embracing each other through tears. You can’t live with someone 24 hours a day and not grow a bond.
I saw Amy yesterday. We haven’t seen each other much since we left TRFC. Our lives have gone in separate directions, but the bond still remains. I visited her church and we stood together and worshiped like old times. We laughed over lunch and of course reminisced about the good and bad times during the course of that year.
It was nice.
It reminded me that all friendships don’t look the same. Though we don’t see or talk to each other daily, the bond is still there. It picked up where it left off. It always will.
I could have found many ways to celebrate yesterday, but I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. Taking part in the day with the person who shared that moment of completion with me was perfect.
Enduring that intense year has taught me that I no longer have to fear completion. Because of God’s strength in me to overcome that fear, I am now
- Finishing my college degree
- Writing that book I’ve always wanted to write
- Speaking to people with boldness and faith
- Pursuing relationships that could have been lost
- Walking through the hard things despite my fear
Who knew such a word could mean so much?
Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us-Hebrews 12:1
What have you recently completed that you never thought you could? If you haven’t done so yet, what fear is holding you back? Comment below…