I recently read a guest post from Todd Henry, founder of Accidental Creative, on Michael Hyatt’s blog. I’ve had to go back several times and digest it. It was/is powerful!
In his post Henry tells a great story about a friend of his. The friend asked if he knew what the most valuable land in the world is. Where would you think? Todd’s guess was the diamond mines in Africa or the middle eastern oil fields. Neither guess was correct.
“No,” our friend replied, “it’s the graveyard, because with all of those people are buried unfulfilled dreams, unwritten novels, masterpieces not created, businesses not started, relationships not reconciled. THAT is the most valuable land in the world.”
Read that line again. Does it give you chillbumps like it did me?
Henry went on to say that his goal is to “die empty.” What exactly does that mean?
“I made a commitment that if any given day were my last I wanted to die empty, having completely divested myself of whatever insight or work was in me to share on that day.”
I had to ask myself, Do I die empty at the end of each day? Unfortunately, my answer was no. There are nights I close my eyes to go to sleep wishing I would have written that one blog, called that friend I haven’t talked to in four months, written part of the ebook I want to work on, went for a walk, laughed more with my family, made someone smile. The list goes on.
Reading Todd Henry’s post and thinking on the unfinished things in my life made me realize that I am in control of what I do. Now don’t misunderstand that statement. God is in control of everything and sometimes our plans change. But He puts the desires on our hearts. He puts the creativity in our minds. Don’t you think He expects us to do something with it?
God didn’t make us to have unfulfilled dreams. He made us for more.
I don’t want to make the graveyard valuable. I want to make my time here valuable.
I wan’t to die empty each day.
What can you do today to take a new step toward fulfilling a dream in your heart?