The Burden-Bearer
From Come Away My Beloved by Frances J. Roberts
“He might test you, to do you good in the end.” – Deuteronomy 8:16
My child, do not share your burdens with all who come to you professing concern. I, Myself, am the great burden-bearer. You need not look to another. I will lead you and guide you in wisdom from above. All things will be as I plan them, if you allow Me the freedom to shape circumstances and lead you to the right decisions.
I am merciful and kind. I love you beyond measure. I intend to do you good; and I will bring to you those who can truly help, if you leave all in My hands.
I want you to prosper and be in health. I want you to know Me more intimately. If difficulties come, it is by My order and for your benefit. Others would say you have trouble: I would say you have a test.
Do you feel like you’re in the middle of a test right now? I know I am. While writing this blog I’m struggling through something and I can’t quite put my finger on it. I just know that the feeling inside me isn’t something I’m liking. But I’m also not slowing down enough to really listen to what God has to say about this particular test. It’s past time to do that.
We can’t expect our burdens to just disappear without taking them to God. Distractions may temporarily make them go away, but they will come back. I’m preaching this to myself because I need to hear it. Face the issues Sundi Jo. Face the issues.
I find comfort in this devotion that God is indeed merciful and kind. He loves us beyond measure. He loves YOU beyond measure. He intends to do YOU good.
I recommend replacing this devotional with your name. God loves ________ beyond measure. He intends to do ________ good. Say it out loud. Let’s do it!
Do you have a test that God recently brought you through, or are you in the middle of one now? Comment below.