This book sat at the foot of my bed for a few weeks. I would walk into my room, stare at the package and think to myself, I need to read that. Looking back now I know it wasn’t the right time. A Deeper Kind of Calm stayed in that same spot until God knew I was ready for it.
“Pain is pain, and all pain hurts,” writes author Linda Dillow. We all experience pain in our lives. Perhaps you’re walking through some pain right now wondering when the end of the hurting will come.
After another doctor’s appointment and still no answers I was out of words to say. I would lie in bed crying, repeatedly telling God, “I don’t understand!” I didn’t want to speak to anyone. I didn’t want to see anyone. Then God said, “It’s time.”
I picked up the book and began to read. In the first chapter Dillow asked a question. “What do we do when pain overtakes the path of delight we had planned?” My plan was shifted and I was tired. Tired of trying to understand. I was in my own “Valley of Weeping.”
By chapter two I still didn’t understand, but I was choosing to be still. Trying to be quiet long enough to see what God wanted me to see out of this book. Did He ever show me.
Dillow took me through the Psalms and I was quickly able to take the focus off myself and put it on the Lord. I was able to remember the things He had done for me in the past and to meditate on His promises for the future. I was able to be still for the first time in a long time.
Linda says when choosing to remember what God has done for us, “Learning to see from God’s perspective is critical if we are to turn our Valley of Weeping into a Place of Blessing, our sorrow into signifigance, our failures into faith.
I have so many things underlined in this book it’s unbelievable. There was a big chunk of meaty truth in every paragraph of this amazing, life-changing book.
It’s a short read, but I took my time, wanting to absorb all that God was teaching me through the words of A Deeper Kind of Calm. Another added bonus is that there is a Bible Study included with the book. You can answer personal questions in the back of the book that give you more reflection time.
This book is a must read for anyone struggling through pain right now, or that has walked through their own Valley of Weeping in the past.
I would let you borrow my copy, but it’s a book I plan to read over and over again.
To purchase your copy of A Deeper Kind of Calm, click here.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from NavPress Publishers as part of their Blogger Review Program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”