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Didn’t catch Wednesday’s episode of Living Truth? No problem. You missed an amazing, life-changing story.
We had Cindy Curry on the show with us. Caring for husband after a disabling car accident, caring for her young children, eventually saying goodbye to her husband after a short battle with leukemia, Cindy shared an incredible story with us.
When she met her second husband Mike, after he buried his wife due to cancer, God had big plans for them. However, with a blended family came stormy waters. Cindy shared the surprises and struggles of trying to bring two families together.
“It’s not at all like you see in the movies,” Cindy said. “Not everyone is happy about it.”
Something powerful Cindy said on the show was “all step-families are born out of loss”. Wow!
Tune into the archive here to find out if the Curry family have a happy ending.
You can contact Cindy at curriedlamb@yahoo.com.
For more information on the website Cindy referred to in the show, visit successfulstepfamilies.com
Tune into to next week’s show on Wednesday at 2p CST, as we talk with Gary Smalley, family counselor, president and founder of the Smalley Relationship Center and author of many books, including his latest, Guarding Your Child’s Heart. Tune in for details on how to win a copy of the book.
See you on the radio!

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