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Wouldn’t you agree?
I recently visited a newly built apartment complex in Branson, and was excited to take a tour. However, my excitement quickly went away.
As my mom and I walked into the lobby of the office, we stood waiting to be greeted while the young lady behind the desk glanced up quickly, then looked back at the people sitting in her office and continued to talk. Red Mark #1.
We sat on the couches waiting, and waiting some more. After the individuals left, surely you would assume we would be greeted. I am learning to never assume. From across the lobby as the Property Manager sat in her office and we sat in the hall, she shouted, “Can I help you?” She didn’t get up out of her chair; we went to her. Red Mark #2.
After my mother gave me the “calm down” look we toured the model. Impressed with the layout and all the ammenities that went along with it, I was still turned off by the initial greeting from none other than the person hired to manage and market these newly designed apartments. If I’m going to pay you almost $1000, would it kill you to greet me with a smile? Just curious.
Does customer service exist anymore?

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