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A couple weeks ago I spent my Sunday afternoon in the emergency room. It wasn’t my funnest moment, but I certainly saw God in it.
My nurse, let’s call him, Isaiah, was a pretty incredible guy. I immediately looked at him and knew there was a story behind the man. He had burn scars all over both arms. We began chatting as he hooked me up to this and that, and he began to tell his story.
There was an earthquake and the building he was in exploded. His body was immediately burned. He died.
“Then,” he said, “I saw the white light. I heard the most beautiful wind. I heard the waves crashing on the shore. I heard peace. Then I heard God say, ‘Isaiah, it’s not time for you yet.’ Then I woke up.”
Wow! He spoke with a gentle, soft voice as he told the story. You could see the peace in his eyes as he recaptured the event in his mind.
Then he explained that sometimes he has to ask God why in the world He brought him back to earth, especially as this world gets more crazy everyday.
I said outloud before thinking, “Wow! That’s a tease. You almost get to heaven, and then He sends you back. Bummer.”
Before leaving the room to get supplies, he stopped, turned around and asked, “Can I pray with you?” Duh! Like I would say no. The man talked to God once. Please feel free to pray over me. I accept. He did. It was amazing. He didn’t care who was looking, who was in the room, or what other people walking by thought of him. He followed God’s call and prayed with a sick patient. That is boldness in my book.
Have you been teased by God or know someone who has?

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