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3D-Book-Cover2Maybe you’ve heard about Dear Dad and you’re wondering what it’s all about. Or, maybe you’ve bought the book and want a little something extra.
That’s why I took some of my favorite truths from the book and put them into 10 daily devotionals you can get for FREE.
It was hard to narrow down bits and pieces of the book and pack them into ten days, but I’m happy about the results, and I’m even happier to share them with you.
Oh.. PS – in case you haven’t heard the news, the book releases on May 7th. Stay tuned for some great details regarding the first week release.
Just sign up in the box you see below and you’ll receive one email a day for 10 days.


It would be my pleasure and honor to walk with you for the next 10 days as we learn more about finding freedom, restoring relationships, and seeking hope.
Here’s a screen shot of the email you’ll receive:
Dear Dad Devotional
Hope to see you on the ten day journey soon!

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