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I have a friend who used to say that God would redeem the time lost for many of our mistakes, and the times we chose to follow our own ways versus His. I’ve thought about that statement many times since then.
She was right..
I had a friend who struggled with alcoholism for years. It stole many things from her, including precious time with her children. When I met her, the relationship with her children was indeed broken. She was getting help. But she had done that before. This time couldn’t be any different in their eyes. But she knew inside that this time something was different. She was surrendered. She was ready. Jesus was calling her closer and this time she was accepting the call.
I watched her go through the struggle of not just staying sober, but finding freedom. I watched her shed many tears in her fight. She used my shoulder to cry on when there were days she wasn’t sure she could make. She would get off the phone with one of her children and guilt would slap her in the face. Shame would fill her soul. Could relationships truly ever be redeemed? God said so. We just had to believe. I did my best to believe with her.
Fast forward..
Not only has my freind celebrated two years of sobriety, but today she is celebrating freedom. She talks weekly with all three of her chidlren. God brought her a husband she wasn’t looking for. She smiles, not just on the outside, but the inside too.
She called me recently and I could hear the tears in her voice. They were happy tears. One of her daughters had just given birth to a beautiful little girl. My friend held her daughter’s hand as God brougth another blessing into the world. There was a time when unforgivenss and hurt separated them. Not anymore. There was love. There was forgiveness. There was hope.
She said to me, “Sundi Jo, I don’t deserve any of this, but God keeps blessing me. I got to be in the room to watch my daughter give birth. I’m so overwhelmed I can’t belive it.”
I told her with a smile,

“God redeemed the time. You always said He would.

I write this to you today to offer you hope. Wherever you’re at in life right now, God can work. If you let Him. 
Has an affair separated you from the one you vowed to always love?
Did you spew hurtful words on your child after refusing to put down that drink?
Do you believe you’ve screwed up so badly that you can never turn back?
There is nothing that Jesus can’t fix if you’re are willing to find the freedom that He offers. Don’t hold back. Go for it. Tell Him you’re ready. Tell Him you want to be ready. Tell Him to make you ready. He’s always up for a challenge!
Our Redeemer Lives!
What do you need to give to Him today to start the redemption process? Comment below…

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